How to make a Complaint

A guide to our complaints procedure

We recognise that we might sometimes get things wrong.  Your feedback will help us to resolve mistakes faster and learn how we can do things better.

What is a complaint?

JDA defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction either:

by a person receiving a service from JDA that cannot be sorted out at the time, and about which the person wants follow-up action to be taken and a response provided, or
by any other person about JDA’s fundraising or administrative practices, activities or procedures and acts carried out by third party suppliers.

Who can raise a complaint?

JDA’s Complaints Procedure is available to those who use JDA services including JDA volunteers and those affected by JDA’s activities.

You should share your concerns or register a complaint when you are dissatisfied with any aspect of JDA's services or activities.

What will happen after I complain?

We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days of receipt and we will tell you who will be dealing with the matter and when you can expect a full response.

JDA will respect your confidentiality and keep your complaint confidential as far as possible.  Information about the complaint will usually only be shared with those who need to know, in order to resolve it.  However, there may be times when JDA cannot provide absolute confidentiality - for example, where a vulnerable adult may be at risk of harm.  In these circumstances JDA’s safeguarding procedures will take precedence over this procedure and any relevant information will be shared with others involved in the safety and welfare of service users.

We will handle information in line with the Data Protection Act (1998) and the GDPR (2018).  Details of our privacy policy are on our website -

Further help with making your complaint

You can make your complaint using your preferred way of communicating.  JDA will also arrange appropriate communication support, to ensure full access for everyone.

You may seek support from a relative, friend, support worker or independent advocate.

If your complaint is regarding our fundraising practices, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator if you do not feel our response is satisfactory.

For further support or advice about this procedure, please contact the Chief Executive – at Jewish Deaf Association, Julius Newman House, Woodside Park Road, London N12 8RP, email or telephone 020 8446 0502.

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Monday mornings at 11am from 24 February to 24 March 2025, led by popular Deaf BSL teacher Antony Rabin.

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