Deaf & Deafblind Community

Information and Advice Drop-In

JDA interpreter signing telephone call to deaf support worker and client

Who is it for?

  • Deaf and Deafblind British Sign Language users
  • Living in the borough of Barnet or a local borough with no Deaf services
  • All faiths
  • Age 18+


  • Day:    Tuesdays
  • Time:  10 am - 1 pm
                2 pm - 4 pm (last appointment)
  • Just come along - first come first served

What is BSL Tuesdays Drop-In?

Information, advice and support with:

  • Form filling
  • Letter translation
  • Telephone calls
  • Benefits
  • Housing and other issues
  • Booking interpreters for your appointments - GP, hospital, council etc.
  • Referrals to social services or other organisations for assessments and help




JDA's Together Magazine

What to know what we have been doing at JDA?

You can read our latest magazine here.